Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Social Awareness Project

Social Awareness Project- Part 1


The Dangers of Global Warming

Global Warming.
Temperature rising.
Glaciers melting.
The world hanging.
Will we all survive?
Who knows...
The sun getting bigger.
Our hope becoming smaller.
Will the day come... When we are all killed?
One day, the night of christmas will be warm.
And our summers will be cold.
Death and Despair.
Why does no one care?
We need someone to save us.
Make that someone you.
For our destiny awaits us.
Lets live in a world of peace.
We can only change it with the help of the people.
We are the people!

We should all make a change.
The way we think, should be re arranged.
The world is a fun and carefree place.
Until Global warming comes in your face.
To stop global warming for everyone.
Save the Planet piece by piece.
Thats the end of this poem, goodbye and peace.

How I came To create this poem...
The creation of this poem came easy to me. I used a bit of my knowledge on global warming and made a poem on how people have to realize how serious the topic of global warming actually is. Our world as we know it can change drastically. I felt this poem could help other children and people understand how the world can turn out to be.

As I wrote my poem, I let my fingers flow on the keys of my laptop and wrote what I felt. I wrote the truth. People take their lives for granted and things can happen in a flash. It took me a couple days to complete this, but i feel my completed piece can help people know more about global warming and make them want to learn more about it.

Social Awareness Project- 2

Lifes Difficulties
1.) Global Warming
4.)School/College Admissions
6.)Corruption of Government
7.)Carbon Pollution
8.)Lack of Jobs

When I was younger child, the cost of things were much cheaper. For example, If I ever wanted a snickers, I’d pay. 50-65 Cents. Now stores charge $1.00 or maybe $1.25. Prices are just too high. I realize times are tough, but paying some much for a smidget piece of chocolate is just too much. I wish prices would just go down a bit. Even though the economy is still in a deficit, little snacks like that shouldn’t cost that much money. I know the prices won’t change, but I feel that they should at least attempt to bring prices down. Candy shouldn’t be that expensive.

Social Awareness Project- 3
Why do people litter? Why not go to the nearest garbage can and throw out your trash? These questions have been asked countless times because our country litters. The simplicity of picking up and throwing out your trash is easy and requires little to no effort.

Step One.
Take garbage
Step Two.
Find Garbage Can
Step Three.
Throw out the trash.

Then you’re done. It isn’t too hard. I really don’t know why people can’t follow these simple instructions. Is our country just lazy? Or is it that we just don’t care. It’s probably both. Well we need to change that. The world is being filled with countless amounts of garbage. Eventually the world will become a giant land mass of garbage if we don’t try to fix this problem. People may ask, how can we help? Pick up garbage that you may see on the floor or around you, or pick up after yourself. It isn’t hard. You may not care, but you are harming our environment and the world itself. We have to step up to the plate and try our hardest to help the world out because if we don’t our world as we know it, may change in a negative way and you will be in for a “Rude Awakening.”  

“Litter cleanup costs the U.S. almost $11.5 billion each year, with businesses paying $9.1 billion.  Governments, schools, and other organizations pick up the remainder.”

12,000,000 miles are driven each year picking up litter in our state. Think about all the gas that is needed to fuel trucks for litter pick up."-

"18% of all littered items end up in our streams and waterways as pollution. That means litter in our state travels to other states and eventually ends up in the ocean."

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