Wednesday, October 3, 2012

               READERS RESPONSE!

"You Boy, you are the heart of the army. Think about that." In the book The Drummer Boy Of Shiloh  by Ray Bradbury, one of the secondary characters (The General) helps Joby realize that his job has importance. The General is a father figure to Joby. He boosts his self esteem and makes him feel part of the army. The General is a very important figure to the book. He is the reason Joby felt proud in doing his job. I feel that General changed what the story line would have been with only phrase, "You Boy, you are the heart of the army. Think about that."

In the beginning of the story, Joby was very lonely character, he had no one to talk to, and felt that his job was of no importance. Little did Joby no that his job was the most important in the army. The General started to make Joby feel better by saying "You wanna cry some more? Go on ahead, I did the same last night." I feel this line is important because it helps Joby realize that he's not alone. Other people are scared of what might and can happen, just like Joby and they feel the same. I felt that this line helped bring a type of comfort to Joby.

Later in the Story the General told Joby. " I was the Drummer boy at the battle of Owl Creek or the Tennessee river, or maybe they'll just name it after the church there. I was the Drummer boy of Shiloh. Good Grief that has a good beat and sound to it." I think this line boosts Joby's self esteem because it proves to him that if the general started off as a drummer boy and became General, he could do the same. The General treats Joby as his own son, he comforts him and makes him feel like he was his own. The General is a huge father figure.

"You Boy, you are the heart of the army. Think about that."  In conclusion the General helps Joby realize that his job has importance and boosts his self esteem and gives him courage throughout the passage.

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