Monday, October 22, 2012

S J T M W T D (Revision)

                            DIFFERENT (Revised)
In the Book "Steve Jobs the man who thought different", a biography by Karen Blumenthal, it explains what Steve Paul Jobs went through and achieved in his life. In the book it explains how His adoption parent’s names were Clara and Paul Jobs. Steve Jobs was originally named Steven Jobs. Steve Jobs was adopted. Unlike most people; Jobs didn’t feel bad about being adopted.  "Knowing I was adopted made me feel more independent" Steve Jobs said to his biographer. He had no problem knowing he was adopted and said he never felt abandoned; it made him feel "special". Clara worked as an accountant and Paul was a coast guard Veteran. They lived in a mountain view within California in Silicon Valley.

  Jobs and his father would work on electronics in the garage. As time went by Jobs grew a passion for electronics and wanted to make his own. This eventually led into meeting his partner Steve Wozniak. Wozniak was a computer genius and got Jobs to the glory he ended up having. Steve Wozniak was a brilliant computer engineer. He and Steve both had a passion for electronics, such as computers. After High School, Jobs attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Eventually Steve Jobs ended up dropping out of the college six months after joining. In 1972 the game pong came out on the Atari system. Steve loved that game. In 1974 he decided to join the company. Several months later he left Atari to find spiritual enlightenment in India. After he found enlightenment, in 1976 Wozniak and himself decided to start their own business, which is now known as apple. They Started in the Garage of Steve Jobs. After much hard work and dedication they finally conducted their first working machine, known as the Macintosh. 

 Jobs and Woz made a series of computers that they believed were going to be marketed for six hundred sixty six dollars and sixty six cents. Their first computer the Apple 1 (Mac I) was a partial success, but the Apple 2 sales skyrocketed and was a complete success, sales increased by 700 percent. The Company made 774,000 dollars for apple 1 and and 139 million for the apple.

In 1980 apple computers became a huge trademark, with a value of 1.2 Billion dollars. Jobs needed a president for Apple so he decided to meet with John Scully, a marketing expert at Pepsi-cola. Jobs decided to give Scully the job of being president at apple because of his marketing expertise. 

The next products made by apple in the next couple years had many design flaws. Customers had returned the product back because of the quality and errors found in the machine. Apples main rival was PC. The owner and creator of PC, Bill Gates, was a close friend, but also the worst enemy of Steve Jobs. PC was a more successful business and had much more sale production but apple was special. It was different from all other companies. 

Steve was eventually kicked out of apple for unfriendly conduct. Steve Jobs felt hurt being kicked out of his own company, but he didn't want his career to end there. To him money was no object; he only loved creating his own inventions. This eventually led into making the company NeXT. Steve wanted a life purpose so he tried to create another computer. The computers weren't making as much money as the Macs, but that all changed when Pixar joined their forces. Pixar used Steve's "NeXT" creation to make all the Pixar films we know and love, such as the Incredibles, Finding Nemo, and Toy Story. Another person he partnered with was George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, and Indiana Jones. While Jobs business is a huge a success Mac's profits are dropping to the ground. Apple decides to hire Jobs back, so Steve decides to sell NeXT to Pixar. 

Steve Jobs ended up creating many famous products that are used in our everyday lives such as the iPhone, iPod, iPad, and Mac books. Steve Jobs was a legend. Steve Jobs was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer; he fought the battle for a long time until his body couldn't handle the struggle anymore. The battle was fought for about five years. Steve Jobs life was very successful. His life had its ups and downs, but he died as a happy man.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuesdays With Morrie - Blog

In the book Tuesdays With Morrie, by Mitch Albom. One of the secondary characters Morrie Schwarts changed many peoples lives with his acts of kindness and his great understanding. Everyone loved Morrie. Especially his Favorite Student Mitch. (Mitch Albom) Morrie loved all of his students, but him and his student Mitch had a very special bond. 

Morrie taught college classes but he wasn't an ordinary teacher. He never failed any of his students. He enjoyed giving good grades. At Graduation time Morrie was sad to see all of his students leave, but also glad that they were going to continue with their lives. Morrie cried when Mitch was leaving and told Mitch to visit whenever he could. Mitch never did call. He never visited. Years after Mitch started watching the news and saw that his old professor Morrie was the headline. Morrie was sick. 

When Mitch Found that Morrie was sick, he went to visit his old teacher. Morrie was thrilled to see his favorite student coming to visit. He had so much joy that he broke into tears. Over the time period that Mitch stood with Morrie their relatonship grew stronger. Mitch learned to love with his heart. He learned life lessons. This wouldn't have been possible without his wise Mentor Morrie Schwarts. Mitch spent most of his time with Morrie. Sadly the time wasn't too long before Morrie died. Everyone missed him, but no one ever forgot him.

Morrie Schwarts was a huge impact on the lives of others, His acts of kindness and understanding changed people (Mitch) and showed them that their lives shouldn't be dedicated to only work. Love is the key to success.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

               READERS RESPONSE!

"You Boy, you are the heart of the army. Think about that." In the book The Drummer Boy Of Shiloh  by Ray Bradbury, one of the secondary characters (The General) helps Joby realize that his job has importance. The General is a father figure to Joby. He boosts his self esteem and makes him feel part of the army. The General is a very important figure to the book. He is the reason Joby felt proud in doing his job. I feel that General changed what the story line would have been with only phrase, "You Boy, you are the heart of the army. Think about that."

In the beginning of the story, Joby was very lonely character, he had no one to talk to, and felt that his job was of no importance. Little did Joby no that his job was the most important in the army. The General started to make Joby feel better by saying "You wanna cry some more? Go on ahead, I did the same last night." I feel this line is important because it helps Joby realize that he's not alone. Other people are scared of what might and can happen, just like Joby and they feel the same. I felt that this line helped bring a type of comfort to Joby.

Later in the Story the General told Joby. " I was the Drummer boy at the battle of Owl Creek or the Tennessee river, or maybe they'll just name it after the church there. I was the Drummer boy of Shiloh. Good Grief that has a good beat and sound to it." I think this line boosts Joby's self esteem because it proves to him that if the general started off as a drummer boy and became General, he could do the same. The General treats Joby as his own son, he comforts him and makes him feel like he was his own. The General is a huge father figure.

"You Boy, you are the heart of the army. Think about that."  In conclusion the General helps Joby realize that his job has importance and boosts his self esteem and gives him courage throughout the passage.