Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Non-Fiction RRE

This article is based on a study done in the University of Massachusetts.  The researchers there studied the process of mitosis and why it goes wrong at times.  During mitosis the duplicated chromosomes are supposed to divide equally between two daughter cells.  However, in many cases that does not happen which leads to many problems.  The researchers found that in most cases the problems are due to incorrect interactions between chromosomes and spindle fibers.  Chromosomes must align perfectly on the spindle fibers.  Microtubule filaments make the spindle fibers.  The site of interaction between the microtubule filament and chromosomes are called kinetochores.  When the interaction is complete, Polar Ejection Force (PEF) pulls the chromosomes apart.  They found this defect in interaction is pretty common, occurring in almost 90% of cells.  When it occurs in somatic cells, either the cells die, or cancer develops.  When it occurs in gametes, there can be serious birth defects.  The research shows the strength of PEF is essential is proper cell division.
            This article was really interesting because it shows how commonly mistakes can occur during mitosis.  Our bodies are made up of billions of cells, so mitosis is very common.  It is scary to think that problems that fairly common can cause cancer in our body.  It also must be concerning for couples planning to have kids, and defects in egg or sperm cells can cause serious birth defects.  I hope the scientists find a way to prevent such inaccuracies during mitosis.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

New Animal Rules

This article is about the new rules made by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN).  Earlier, ICZN had very strict rules about publishing names of new animals on paper.  However now those information can be electronically published.  They believe this process will speed up the process of adding animals to the database.  However, many other scientists don’t agree with this view.  It is difficult enough to keep track of all the new discoveries.  Often, many scientists in different parts of the world name the same animals with different names.  So ICZN needed the strict rules to link scientists all over the world.  According to the article, about 20,000 new animal species are added each year, and for each taxa 2-10 legal names can be found.  This makes the process of properly keeping records very difficult.  While many scientists believe digitalizing will make things more confusing, ICZN feels it will make the process faster and less complicated.  They still have rules for digitally publishing nomenclature.  The electronic journal which publishes the information must have an ISSN or ISBN number.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Blood Brothers

In this Article, I read that skateboarding isn't only a hobby. It is a way of life. The author of this article explains how skateboarding was a huge part of his life and how it was the only thing he ever wanted to do. He also explained how skateboarding required patience. Something he did not posses, but as he stepped on the board he was naturally gifted with the skill of skateboarding. After landing his first trick, he got the hang of it and continued to skate board. The kick flip is a simple beginners move, so his friends began to call him a "poser" which is a huge insult to all skateboarders.  He took the insult so literal that he decided to do something wild. On a summers day he went to the skate park and was ready to tame the beast of the entire skate park... THE STAIRS. It may not sound to intimidating, but the blood stains of other people have marked these stairs making all fear its height. He attempted doing a trick down these stair and failed landing on his full of BLOOD. He may have failed, but it gave him more confidence.